not very funny...
you guys do too much stuff, (not that im asking for you to do less, quite the contrary), its, just, about half of what you do i really love, and the other half is just, mueee... ok i guess, keep it up and congrats
not very funny...
you guys do too much stuff, (not that im asking for you to do less, quite the contrary), its, just, about half of what you do i really love, and the other half is just, mueee... ok i guess, keep it up and congrats
didnt even knew the game
Wow, thanks man, you just made me laugh so much,
i had to check what the game was, (not much of a gamer), but thats great to have been blown away even before i could compare the characters, amazing, sleek animation
just please, dont use the comic persecussion track again, well, do whatever the hell you want, i just hate it, its been too long and it has never been funny for me, die! scooby doo! or whatever invented it, anyway congrats man
I'm not sure which track you mean, but I won't be using most of these tracks in the foreseeable future anyway. They've had a good run in this video.
Had an amazing time!
Veeeeery cool man, congrats
why does luigi get stronger by somking weed?
Why does mario leave the poor princess moist and needy for some of the old? is it because his character as changed in the actual world would be gay? HAHAHA
no, really enjoyed that, please make more, try adding some sound effects
money stall
get ready to get rich man
dont really like pokemon, but amazing movie, must have worked so very much to finish this, its great that you showed how much of a fan you are, now put that effort in your own new idea! congrats
Actually I'm not much of a fan of pokemon, but I think it has a very good concept. Keeping a monster in your pocket and summoning out to demolish your next door neighbours car XD it just sounds great!
yeah, just great man, so funny,
keep the good stuff coming
an unforgetable experience...
I dont really like madness much, neither am i fan of this kind of music, or heavy violence, i was expecting something completely different. However, in a bizarre way, a bunch of elements i usually dont like much, came together in this piece to be one of the greatest flash i have ever seen in about 5 newground years. (definitely top 5) Your flash blew me away;
The music just mixes perfectly with the images, and its not too rough, great tune.
The backgrounds are genius, really adds to creating the dramatic setting. Blurred clouds with tones of red and purple, amazing man...
The drafts, drawings (not sure what the word in english is) have the coolest style, and they move with such naturality, its clear that you comprehend movement and dimensions masterfully. how they gain or loose detail and size in different circumstances according to whats happening... breathtaking
Incredible use of light and shadows, perfect relefction.
A very cinematic video, the takes in my opinion mix perfectly with the action. Did you use storyborad?
Probably the only thing i would change is the take were jebus mouths the lyrics, dont think that was needed at all. Overall, i will never forget this flash, i hope you're aware of your great talent and you never deprive the world of it, continue with your work with bigger ambition each time. Thats what i would do if i had what you have, at least i try what's in my hands to do, hope you take the time to reply this comment, cheers for a truly great flash.
Hey, are you planning to contact "Cold" and show them your flash? its not for the less.
I would love cold to see the flash, but I heard they broke up which sucks the only site I see of colds is a fan site.
as for the storyboard stuff, thats usually how my flashes start I put the music or dialogue in flash and ruffly sketch out every shot. as for jebus mouthing off the lyrics,
thats one of those touch-n-go scenarios where it simply doesn't work for everyone. personally when I Imagined it, It gave me chills. Its meant to be like hes chanting those words more so than actually saying them, if you get me. As if, if the music was off, his chant to raise zombies is " make you believe" I probably needed to make a more entranced shot of jebus to pull it off more effectively but alot of people still got my intentions and dug it, but also alot didn't. so just one of those things.
thanks for the review
stolen style
don't tell me you were not thinking about the weebl (magical trevor, pork, do you have a waffle, etc) when you were making this. I've seen your work and i think is great, i think this flash degrades what you have done in the past, keep up the good, original work
I admit, I did have Pork in mind when I made this.
It was almost like a tribute to it.
I didnt think it degraded my style though :(
I tried to keep it somewhat my own
Age 37, Male
Joined on 12/8/08